Thursday, September 1, 2011

Marco Wagner - The Magician King

Marco Wagner illustrated this piece for the NY Times Book Review of The Magician King, by Lev Grossman.  In Marco's own words, he wanted to "create a magical, but dark and a bit depressive mood".  Here is the final piece, along with Marco's initial sketches & descriptions + the article with final art in place...

Marco Wagner's final art of The Magician King
Sketch 1: a fantasy beast surrounded by a magical landscape:
Marco Wagner; sketch #1

A dark forest with magical plants...out of the dark, a blur, gloomy and glowing creature is coming:
Marco Wagner Sketch 2 (approved)

The main character standing in a dark forest surrounded by a glowing,
magical aura. His face is blurred and overexposed:
Marco Wagner Sketch 3

The article as it ran on Sunday, August 28, 2011 - click image to read:
Marco Wagner - Final New York Times article